I have lived my entire life as an Empath. I find it very gratifying to help anyone that is seeking guidance and to aid those who desire to reconnect with their loved ones.
There are numerous guides that have come forward to assist me on this journey. I feel so blessed that they stand by me. My desire is that we may all come together to heighten the Vibration of all Life, and to know that everything is possible.
As a young child I experienced continual fainting spells when I was approached by someone with upset, pain or extreme suffering. I was tested but the doctors could find no physical reason for the spells. I also had dreams of people passing and children being born.
I was aware from a young age that I flew everywhere at night (astral traveling).
I experimented in sixth grade using ESP on my teacher trying to manipulate him during class. I cast my first spell on a friend who was nasty, this lead me to the principals office :)
At the age of thirty, my friend and I went to a psychic medium. She had me hold the pen my friend used to take notes and asked what I felt. I could feel my friends heart beating. She had me pick up numerous objects in the room and asked me for my sensations. She said, "You're clairsentient. You feel everything around you. Protect yourself."
I started taking my psychic development more seriously in my thirties. any workshop that became available I attended. I frequented Lilly Dale and took courses with Ellen Bourne. Some of the other classes and teachers that come to mind are:
Psychic Development course with Dan Valkos in 1988. Learning about and how to preform past life regressions, aura reading, astral travel etc.
Attended regular meditation with Gordon Ellison. The meditations brought much forward. I started to feel the spirits of those who have passed and began to try and communicate.
In 2006, one evening with Gordon Ellison, Cliff and Linda Preston, and a circle of a few others we called the spirits forward. I opened my mind and said to the spirit world, "If you want to use me. I'm available." Suddenly I felt my body being pulled under the table three times. I was unaware of what was happening. I thought the spirit was pushing me me aside to take over. Cliff Preston said use Liane's vocal cords and speak through her. Very slowly she (the spirit) responded. She said her name was Betty; she lived in Berkshire in the U.K. She was twelve years old and had drowned. I them realized that this was the pulling sensation I was experiencing. My body trembled terribly and my heart pounded violently. I could barely catch my breath. It was Linda Preston who asked to touch me. This calmed the spirit, however I was still shaking. Betty was unaware of where her family was. Cliff, Linda and Gord helped me to send her to the light. She had died forty seven years earlier.
That night I went to bed and I saw Betty. She was small with auburn hair, slight build, pretty girl. with her brother, mother and father. She was saying Thank you.
I then took the Keys Course with Cliff Preston and then finally the Channeling course which helped me to further develop and hone my channeling abilities. Most recently finishing a Psychic Development course with Bishop James Lagona
Many guides and beings that have shared information have come forward Surya (a Japanese Sun worshiper), Ezekiel, Abbabal (in his life he was a Mystic), Genevieve (she was an Oracle), Issiah, Orsos and Sensing (Intergalactic Beings from Andromeda). As I continue with my work and development they will keep coming forward. All of these entities plus thousands of others, I am told make up the Collective Vibrational Frequency that we lovingly call The Essence.
I Love to channel and I wish to awaken all those that I meet effortlessly.