Saturday, January 29, 2011

Who are The Essence?

Who are The Essence? In their own words:

"The Essence is a conglomerate of energies we refer to as the Essence. We are a resonating vibratory frequency of spiritual essence. The heightened consciousness. That is what it is. We reside on what you may refer to as a plane of dimension not equivalent to the dimension you presently reside in. We vibrate at a higher level and are not encased in solidity. We are pure vibration, pure heightened consciousness; however evolving. We are not of material you presently inhabit. We are lighter than thee."

What do you bring to us?

"Pure intent always. For the ones that seek, to be a spark or thought that there is more to it than what we conceptualize. Use this for an awakening and with the intent that it will be a growth experience they can take with them. Heightened internal vibration is truly our mission in the physical realm."

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